Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ode to Frustration - Resiliance

It Feels like I wrote this before, but then again
Its the exact same feeling, the same complaint
Which causes the need for immediate restraint
Time to stop saying, its all good, because it just aint
And even as I commit to graffiti the world with glowing paint
I sit in life's school to write a mathematics exam
And as i struggle though situations I remain calm
Without raising too much of an alarm, I add the common factors
And look for the real figures inbetween all these actors
Its amazing that there exists one great universal set, but so many characters
That all never fit within the same subset or have the same effect
On the entire equation, although I just wrote "none of us are as smart as all of us!"
Here I stand in my brazen Kit, burnt by hell fire, still immovable
Super soaked but still effectively and subjectively impermeable
Tonight after the big big meeting, and all the revealing

Stealing my thoughts from my imagination, because it sent me reheeling
Usually Illuminated and Illustrious, but I need a deeya to be exact

Because only thing to stay before and after the fact, perfectly intact
Such a neat bronze fit, all lit by that one initial match stick
But solidly standing up to the breeze, sucking in all the oxygen it needs
So much soo that the air around it begins to wheeze, suffocate almost
because the candle wick makes it clear that it is BOSS, not to boast
And I think that is my modus of operandi till I stop walking straight and kilkitae
Such a bitter sweet freestyle, quickly, abruptly sant-y mani- t-ae

So when I say mathematics, i refer to the square matrix
Those battered words written inbetween square suffixes
Its like Jonathan said, there is a strategy for the cube, dictated by Mr. Rubix
The formula from multilinear algebra to find the determinant
When i've subtracted the constants and i'm done-- damn, 
i feel brilliant 
And I hold up my claim to fame and remain stiff and 
Because this morning I feel as though I am beaten to a pulp
That i'd certainly give my everything which would definitely be 'just' enough

But sometime later, sitting here, my music on steroids pumped to its loudest
Excitement on steroids hype to its highest...

The beginning of the storm. Part 2.1 [the callers]
Caller, Line One

I need to know: What of the other issues to address? Why are we talking about Ken? Their is crime, prostitution, persecution! 

Well how much longer shall we recite the news over and over?
"Shots fired, police ran for cover, the assailant escaped to East Morvant"
Ironically however, its amazing how in the midst of this storm anyone is able to remain sturdy
No, this is not narcism nor elitism, Instead I believe that each of us has a unique story, this is his
Who are you to judge, chastise or forgive? 

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Arima, Trinidad & Tobago
Ken is a student of life. The subject of unique socialization between the rigors of childhood in a Christian household, a 'prestigious' secondary schooling and an early exposure to the ghettos of society. His ideals can be harsh on the mind at times and they represent a comprehensive but very original outlook on Trinidad and Tobago's 'red band lifestyle'. Read, listen and discuss if you dear.