Monday, March 15, 2010

The Television

1stly, on losing my facebook account
It affected me, the things lost briefly
But i remembered that my account was me primarily
In other words, I supplied the content
Upon which hoards of mine and your time has been spent
But since, I'm still here, I can simply do it all again!
Well since i lost my 32 notes.. yes my THIRTY TWO very well thought out works of art.
(Jah.. bombo Clart!)

My 1st Installment for Ken Sambury back in 2009 was:


Even now as I call her, and the voice mail forwards me on
I respire, hesitate to retire and go to sleep all forlorn
Somehow in dialing the number; I remember i've been warned
But even as the mission is already impossible, I sense the highly improbable
Would somehow become reality or maybe my mind is too gullible
I'm in doubt but i'd be optimistic enough to see into the future
And focus on the times ahead, when i'd sit in the livin room
In eager anticipation because there won't be another deciding factor
But at the moment, we are on the wrong page, or probably the wrong chapter
Because behind the smiles, instant messages and phone calls
I shudder behind these walls, dreading the imminent, still i never cease to be persistent
I tell myself fuck the weather, although quite inclement, i'ma break through
I'd put on my rain coat, and use an umbrella even though i know u don't like them
Because, somehow even in the rainy weather, i wanna feel warm inside ah u
But at the end of the days 5 years is like concrete, but i'm sure i'm like bestcrete
My business can make the cement to build the foundation for more
But still, with cement alone, i'd still need somewhere to build my store
So even with this earnest desire, i can only stand and admire
What another man worked so hard to aquire, and just wait for the time to transpire
Because the one thing that's sure is that this feeling will never retire
If true love is warm, real love is heat, what i feel is fire
But what is love?
Just a four letter word that we all strive for
In the pursuit of happines, we all strive for more.
I need some guarantee, some love insurance or at least some kind of re assurance
That i'd remain with what obtained through perseverance
I just want to see my Television. Because this is my mission!
I want nothing obscure my vision, but looking on i notice the events that occur
And slowly, gradually, my 20/20 vision begins to blur
I think you should be mine, i don't want to share
I don't know how to share, reality bites, and been bitten everywhere
Now i nurse my wounds as my heart bleeds and grimace in despair
I need to steal you away, so we both could simply disappear.
Sharp tv is lame. The other brands are fake. I want the one the Chinese took their time to create
A sony color tv is what I need!
But how shall we proceed, when at god's speed we'd still be a little too slow...
Please, hun. Let my heart love freely.
Turn on my TV!

Listening intently to my music a little too loudly, up at this hour, quite ungodly
She is like sweetness and sin
Like black cake, with a bit of hardwine within
Just beneath the surface, past the preface, the gift and the curse
Exactly who i'd not want as my wife, for better or for worse
The wrong key for the song of my life, but perfect for this verse
As i delve beneath the outside, and our personalities collide
I do all i can to avoid the bitter end, that "honey, i've tried"
Because i know there is something real deep inside,
In the process of my journey to the center of the earth, real deep inside
I'm not just burnt, worse than pains when givin birth, my heart is fried
But, i still stay for what its worth, because my goal isn't to get u to open wide
But to connect differently, so when u reflect, apparently it would seem, that this perfect Ken was not a dream
Today my mind races, my thoughts grow, I call it intellectual fertility
My heart paces, my efforts die, I call this an exercise in futility
She must feel the same somehow, i'm sure... Certainly
But maybe, probably, the time is not now. Damn this uncertainty!
So as my idle jests settle and my feelings boil over this kettle
These tipsy thoughts reflect real meaning, in between all this Christmas cleaning...
Today, i am "still dreaming"
Dreaming of cable tv, transmitting directly to my bedroom
Wide screen, in HD fitting perfectly, not taking up my headroom
With surround sound, so I can feel each heart beat, i would listen to her heart pound
As it beats, although the world dies & the ozone layer depletes
It's be satisfied once its me and my tv between these sheets
So each night i'd rest assured, that i'd rest assured
I mean fully secured in my own world, my eyes glued to the television
Somewhere in between there i'd wake up from my dream
Look around at the pale world and my radio
Saddened that my reality can easily shatter
Listening closely, hitting my tv, it doesn't work, no audio
How could I think love was served on a platter
True true, I think to myself i'ma just go get her
If only it were as easy as theorized, if only i realized
That this great exersize in futility, is a little stretch on vanity
Where I struggle to touch the sky, and my sky disappears
And I see the world's indifference admist all my fears
So, as I grow older, my heart grows colder. A victim of that vicious cycle
So for now I end the chapter, turn the page, as a matter of fact, I close the book
Tonight I close my eyes, because no matter how i watch, no matter how often I look
Although I examine my surroundings completely, still can't see my tv!

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Arima, Trinidad & Tobago
Ken is a student of life. The subject of unique socialization between the rigors of childhood in a Christian household, a 'prestigious' secondary schooling and an early exposure to the ghettos of society. His ideals can be harsh on the mind at times and they represent a comprehensive but very original outlook on Trinidad and Tobago's 'red band lifestyle'. Read, listen and discuss if you dear.