Friday, December 3, 2010

No More Boring Nightlife!

In a valiant effort to help you guys, I am offering the opportunity to buy a concept, theme or a combination of both for your event. Starting today, Friday 3rd December, 2010. No more bursting your brains and naming your event after a song you heard, for want of a better name. No more wondering how could I possibly attract people to my event. People want more than wine and jam within four walls. People want something different, they want to be wowed, they want to have something to talk about, something to look forward to other than that Mavado they play all the time\everyday. 

For example: Say you have a party called "Bottle and Spoon" with a breakfast, jouvert theme. I will source the paint, relevant decorations, speak to the relevant men of mas, moko jumbies, fire-breathers etc and hire the best mix of these to effectively create your atmosphere of Jouvert.

Prices are negotiable and everything will be done tailored to fit your budget. Upsize your party from as low as $1000.00. No More Boring Nightlife! Please. 

Concept: an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances. We define concept to be the activity or the action in and surrounding a particular event. eg. Dresscode, Water Trucks with water hoses etc all form parts of the concept. Concepts include: Mardi Gras (beads, masks), Water Party(patrons wear bathing suits and get sprayed with water) etc.

Theme: a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in literary or artistic work; "it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme". We define theme as the general gist of the event. eg. Lighting, Set up, decor, Entertainment all contribute to the theme of the night. Themes include: A Retro Theme, A Carnival Ole Mas Theme etc. 

Basically the concept is the VERB(depicts action, like free drinks before 12) and the theme is the NOUN.

Call 710-4212 explain your ideas and get a quote in 24 hours. PS. You can have NO Ideas, that is the point of calling me. For more info: Check Ken Sambury the Idea Guy on facebook

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Arima, Trinidad & Tobago
Ken is a student of life. The subject of unique socialization between the rigors of childhood in a Christian household, a 'prestigious' secondary schooling and an early exposure to the ghettos of society. His ideals can be harsh on the mind at times and they represent a comprehensive but very original outlook on Trinidad and Tobago's 'red band lifestyle'. Read, listen and discuss if you dear.